They may not look it but an asparagus fern is a thirsty plant and they will drink a lot more water than other houseplants. You might find yourself watering your fern and coming back three days later to dry soil depending on the temperature and light situation inside your house.
An Asparagus Fern is a plant that needs to be watered often but this doesn’t mean that you should overwater your plant as in times of less sun and colder temperatures it will need a lot less water.
Consider investing in a moisture probe or if you’re quite comfortable taking care of plants then just use your fingers and stick them a few inches into the soil to check the moisture level. You should water when the top of the soil is dry but you don’t want to wait until the whole of the soil has dried out as this can be damaging to the plant.
Underwatered Asparagus Ferns
Signs that your Asapargus Fern is being underwatered include browning and droopy foliage. If you notice these signs then check the moisture levels in the soil immediately as it’s possible your Fern isn’t getting enough water.
If this starts to happen to your plant then don’t worry, there is still time to save your plant, just make sure you’re responsive to it’s watering needs.
Asparagus Ferns Also Like It Humid
Not only do Asparagus Ferns like to be watered often, they are also very receptive to higher levels of humidity or misting.
You don’t have to buy a humidifier if you don’t already have one as they can be expensive but if you do have one then you don’t need to do any work except for changing the tank when the water runs out.
If you don’t have a humidifier then you could try misting your plants. Misters are very cheap and you can give your plant some added moisture in seconds. You can do this however often your plant requires misting.
If you don’t have a mister or a humidifier but you want to increase humidity levels then you can try leaving trays or glasses of water around your plants so that they can take in some of the moisture when it evaporates into the air.
Things That Will Change How Often You Water Your Asparagus Fern
Light – if your plant is getting lots of light it will drink up it’s water much more quickly so make sure you test the soil moisture levels more often if it is in a well lit area.
Heat – If your home gets hot then your soil will become drier more quickly.
Humidity in the air – if you live somewhere that is not very humid then it may be a good idea to check on your plant more often and you’ll either have to water it more or mist it to provide it with the moisture it needs
The best thing about an asparagus fern is that if you take care of it and remember to water it, it will show you a lot of love and put out new growth. You might even find yourself needing to trim your asparagus fern.
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