If you want to learn how to care for a Hoya Curtisii but you’re short on time then you’re in luck because this is our super quick guide on tips for caring for this plant. So let’s dive right in.
First up let’s take a look at watering. Hoya Curtisii don’t need to be watered regularly. This plant prefers to be left to dry out between waterings and then given a thorough watering. If you want more information then take a look at how to water Hoya Curtisii.
Next pots. Make sure your pot has drainage holes so that the roots of your plant aren’t sitting in wet soil.
Humidity. Hoya Curtisii like to be kept humid. They prefer moist air to dry air so make sure you buy a humidifier or spray your plants often so they are getting plenty of moisture.
Light. Hoya Curtisii will do well in bright light, if you want to give them the greatest chance of flowering then they will definitely need lots of light. They can handle direct sunlight but if you live somewhere with unrelenting sun you may want to consider pulling your plant back from the window as it could be too strong.
Soil. They will need well draining soil as they are a plant that does not like to sit in water. Try using perlite to aerate the soil.
Fertiliser. You can fertilise this plant during the growing season but leave it during the autumn and winter months. You don’t need to fertilise it everytime you water it, instead opt for once a fortnight.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed this article on super quick tips to look after a Hoya Curtisii. If you want more in depth advice we do have a Hoya Curtisii complete care guide that you might find useful.
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