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Peperomia Ferreyrae Breakdown
Light: Bright light
Watering: Allow soil to dry out between waterings
Humidity: Low to medium
Native to: Peru
Other names: Green beans plant, Pincushion Peperomia, Happy bean
The Peperomia Ferreyrae is a succulent type of Peperomia and is easily recognised by it’s green bean style foliage. It doesn’t grow very quickly and takes up a small amount of space which makes it a perfect desk or shelf plant. It’s also relatively low maintenance which means it’s a great plant for beginners who are just getting into houseplants and want something easy but fun looking to start off with. So if you want to learn how to look after it then take a look at our Peperomia Ferreyrae care guide.
Since Peperomia Ferreyrae is a succulent type plant this means it doesn’t like to be overwatered. If you overwater this plant you will notice the stems and leaves taking on a mushy appearance. Instead allow the soil to dry out between waterings and then water your plant thoroughly. Make sure the pot you’re using has holes so the water can drain away and the roots of your plant won’t be sitting in soggy soil. If you struggle to know when your soil is dry then try using a moisture meter to help you detect the level of dryness of the soil.
Peperomia Ferreyrae like quite bright light but will not do well if they are sat under strong direct sunlight all day. Direct light can be beneficial for this plant but ensure it’s not too strong and if you feel like it is try switching it to a north facing window or pull it back from the strong glares of the sun.
This plant doesn’t need a lot of humidity so if you live somewhere with dry air then don’t worry, you shouldn’t need to add moisture to the air for this plant and it should be fine. The only thing we would recommend is not to place your plant above a radiator as this can cause it to dry out too quickly.
A well draining soil is necessary for this plant as it doesn’t like to sit in water, we would recommend a peat based mix with added perlite for aeration. Our favourite peat moss is Espoma’s.
A temperature of around 20°C will be beneficial for this plant with a margin of 5°C either side. It can tolerate temperatures a bit higher and lower than this but this is the range that it can thrive within.
Fertilise your plant during the growing seaons and leave it during the winter months. Fertilising your plant once every two weeks should be more than enough for your Happy Bean.
You will not need to repot your plant often as the roots grow relatively slowly. Repot when the pot becomes too small for the plant rather than doing a yearly repotting.
To summarise, in order to take care of a Peperomia Ferreyrae you will need:
- Bright sunlight
- To allow the soil to dry out between waterings
- Low to medium humidity
- Well draining soil
- Plant food in the growing season
Peperomia Ferreyrae FAQ
Now you’ve read our Peperomia Ferreyrae care guide make sure you take a look at some of our frequently asked questions to see if any of your queries have already been asked. And if you have any other questions to add to our FAQ then please leave them in the comments below.
How do you treat Ferreyrae Peperomia?
Peperomia Ferreyrae don’t need that much attention and can survive on moderate neglect. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, keep them in low to medium humidity levels, and give them access to bright light. If you do all this then your Peperomia Ferreyrae should be fine.
Is Peperomia Ferreyrae a succulent?
The Peperomia Ferreyrae is what you would refer to as a semi succulent plant. It’s not quite 100% there but most of its care requirements are very similar to that of other succulents.
Where should I display my Peperomia Ferreyrae?
Since these plants are small and don’t take up a lot of space they are a great plant to sit on top of your desk or on a shelf. Make sure you don’t place this plant on top of a radiator and try to keep it away from drafts.
Are Peperomia Ferreyrae easy to take care of?
Yes these plants are easy to take care of and are relatively low effort due to the fact that they don’t need to be watered as often as other plants, they also don’t require high levels of humidity so you can sit your plant somewhere and it will do relatively well.
How do you propagate Peperomia Ferreyrae?
Peperomia Ferreyrae are relatively easy to propagate. You can do so by taking a cutting from the leaf or stem and either placing it in water where you watch the roots grow or potting it straight into soil. If you do place it in water first then we would recommend waiting until the roots are approximately two inches long before potting it in soil. It’s also a good idea to take several cuttings as not all of them will take and with several you have a better chance of success.
Do Peperomia Ferreyrae grow quickly?
This is not a particularly fast growing plant but it doesn’t grow slow either. Expect to see moderate growth during the growing seasons but the plant itself will not become that big.
We hope this has been helpful for you. If you have any other questions regarding this quirky little plant then be sure to leave them in the comments below and we will respond to them as quickly as possible. Or use our comment section for a discussion regarding the Ferreyrae and why you think it’s such a great little plant.
My peperomia just looks blah! droopy stem, lackluster colored leaves. It sits in a west facing window which is our front porch, however the porch is covered so the light isn’t direct. I don’t water it often. What should I do to revive it?
Thank you- Jane Utterback
Tkx for ur thorough summation! I’m in Southern California & my lil guy came home in Sept he has been a bright spot for me ever since. He was healthy but really ‘squeezed’ into his tiny pot, since there was no sign of bottom-root outgrowth i hesitated but upotted anyway by half an inch. That was all he needed… he flourished in color & just opened right up. Now well into Apr there are strong new branches jutting out tons of longer spikie leaves straining up against it’ pot! It looks like it needs another half inch… 🌞
Why do the bean like looking pieces just keep falling off. Some have opened but a lot just fall off. I’ve only watered it once since getting it a couple weeks ago so I know I’m not over watering it. Wish I could take a picture to show what I’m talking about. The ones that have opened looked great but so many of the “pods” are just falling off without opening.
Sounds like your plant is stressed, when plants are in the greenhouse they’re in perfect conditions so when you bring them into your home it takes some time for them to get used to it. I would give it some time and continue to care for it as normal
One of my peperomia has beans that became black and falls down. Someone knows if it’s too watered or watered too little. The other is fine. Do you water them just spraying water on the leaves or you water even the soil? Many thanks.