Prayer plants are a fantastic house plant to have, they grow quickly, they’re easy to propagate, they’re beautiful and they move up and down throughout the day giving them their name: the prayer plant. But what’s not great is when you have issues with your plant like prayer plant leaves turning yellow. Not only can this look unattractive but it can be a sign that there is something seriously wrong with your plant.
One of the main causes of prayer plant leaves turning yellow can be overwatering. How often are you watering your Prayer Plant? Is it more often than once a week? When you put your fingers in the soil of your Prayer Plant what is the moisture like? Is the soil wet to touch? Slightly damp?
Although Prayer Plants like to be watered regularly, they don’t want to sit in wet soil constantly. Make sure you allow the soil to dry out partially between waterings to avoid this issue and do not water your plant every single day. People often hear that Prayer Plants need to be kept moist and water their plants daily but they really don’t need this and yellow leaves are one of the first signs that you’re watering too frequently. It’s also important to make sure the pot you’re using has drainage holes so that you plant doesn’t sit in excess water.
Yellow Leaves And Scorch Marks
If the leaves aren’t just yellow but also have brown crispy bits like they’ve been burnt then this could be a sign that your plant is receiving too much light or that the fertiliser you’re using is too strong. If this is the case then check where your plants positioned. If it’s right up by a window then try pulling it back to see if that makes a difference.
Also have a look at what fertiliser you’re using, can you dilute it further so that it is weaker? How often are you fertilising? Try dropping back to once a month and limit houseplant food to the growing seasons.
If this has no effect then try using filtered water with your plant rather than regular tap water. Prayer Plant leaves turning yellow can be upsetting but there’s always a reason and it’s not too late to save your plant.
Can I Save The Yellow Leaves On My Prayer Plant?
Once the leaves have turned yellow there’s no coming back. Cut off the yellow leaves with a sharp pair of scissors so that the plant can put its efforts into new growth rather than wasting it on dead leaves. It’s more important to save the entire plant than a few leaves.
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