Whether it’s an Western Sword Fern, an Asparagus Fern or an Ostrich Fern, you might find yourself asking can ferns grow in pots or are they better left outside.
Another common fern question is do ferns like to be misted?
Considering that the majority of time we see a fern, it’s outside growing naturally in the wild, it’s not an uncommon question to ask can ferns be grown in a pot? After all they aren’t as common a houseplant as a Pothos or a Palm.
But the good news is that yes, of course a fern can be grown in a pot and sometimes there’s good reason for this.
To Stop Them Being Invasive
Firstly you may choose to grow your fern in a pot to stop it from spreading to other parts of your garden. Sword ferns spread just like many other ferns and having them in a pot can be a good way to slow them down, otherwise you might find your ferns growing out of control and taking over your garden to the point of suffocating your other plants.
You might also want to keep them in a pot because pots look attractive. Maybe you just like the look of your fern in a pot or maybe you have a garden where you’re unable to plant anything so an attractive pot with a plant in it can really add to the look of your garden.
To Keep Ferns Indoors
Another reasons you might want to keep a Fern in a pot is because you want to keep it as an indoor plant which is another great reason. Ferns can make fantastic houseplants, you just need to try and recreate the conditions that they’re used to in the natural world.
Requirements For Keeping Ferns In Pots
If you are going to keep your Fern in a pot then you need to know how they like to be kept. Ferns don’t need deep soil to root and will often do well in a slightly smaller dish. So when choosing your dish make sure you opt for one on the shallower side.
So can ferns grow in pots? Yes they can, just make sure they’re watered regularly and they’re in a nice snug pot.
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