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What Are The White Things In Potting Soil?
White stuff in potting soil can be unsettling, especially if you haven’t come across it before, you don’t know what it is, and you don’t know if it can harm your plant or not. Luckily the most likely thing that is in your potting soil is Perlite, especially if you’ve recently bought your plant from a seller. Perlite is a small volcanic glass that is put in soil to increase aeration and improve drainage. It can be a fantastic addition to potting mix and we would definitely recommend it for most of your houseplants. It has a strange feelings like small sandy stones and can be squashed easily between your fingers with a bit of force.
We hope this has answered your question of what are the white things in potting soil? And we hope we’ve managed to tell you a bit about Perlite and why it could be beneficial for your plants. If you’re ever unsure when you’re buying a plant, feel free to ask the seller what the mixture is made of. Different plants have different needs from their soil so it can be useful to learn how potting soils are made up.
What is the purpose of Perlite in potting soil?
Perlite is used to improve aeration in your soil and increase drainage. Water logged soil can be very damaging for plants, especially ones that like to be kept dry like Cacti, Succulents and Snake Plants. Perlite can help prevent this water logging from happening.
What is Perlite made of?
Perlite is made of volcanic glass.
Where can I get Perlite?
You will be able to get Perlite in most plant shops and nurseries but if you’re struggling then you can buy it here on Amazon.
Is Perlite expensive?
No Perlite is not an expensive substance at all and is very commonly used by people who don’t have huge budgets for their plant care.
Does Perlite harm my plants?
No Perlite is used all over in the plant industry and it is just fine for plants.
If you are still thinking no it’s not perlite, what are the white things in potting soil? And it’s not in all of your plants then it’s possible you have a pest situation. Take a magnifying glass and have a look at the white things. If they have wings or legs then you’re in trouble and it’s possible you have an infestation. One of the most common houseplant pests is the mealy bug.
So to summarise what are the white things in potting soil? Hopefully perlite! And if not then start checking for pests.
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