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Peace Lily Not Growing
Why is my Peace Lily not growing? If this is a question you’re asking yourself then it’s probably because there’s an issue with something very important in its environment like light, water or fertiliser. The first thing to do is to learn how much of each of these your plant needs, then compare that to the environment it’s currently in and you can usually work out the issue from there and correct it. So let’s take a closer look at why your Peace Lily isn’t growing and what you can do about it.
Watering is probably the most important factor that can influence a Peace Lily not growing or for just causing issues for this plant. Both overwatering and underwatering can be detrimental to the plant as well as the quality of the water. Peace Lilies like to be moist but they don’t like to be soaked through. Which means you need to allow the top two or three inches to dry out between watering. Yellowing leaves can be a sign of overwatering and a wilting plant with leaves that curl in on themselves can be an indication that you’re overwatering. It’s also important to make sure your pot has drainage holes so there’ no excess water sitting around the roots of your Peace Lily. Both under and overwatering can cause issues with your plant’s growth so make sure you check this one out as soon as possible.
The quality of water you use is also important. Peace Lilies can be sensitive plants and tap water may be too harsh. If you’re noticing browning on the leaf tips then this can be an indication that you need to stop using water straight from the tap. Instead try using filtered water, and you will notice a healthier plant with shinier leaves and less brown spots.
A lack of fertiliser could also be causing your Peace Lily to not grow. If your plant has used up all of the nutrients in the soil or the potting mix is old and you aren’t actively feeding your plant then this could be the reason your plant isn’t growing. You don’t need to fertilise your Peace Lily during the winter months but it will need plant food in the growing season. Try using a medium strength plant food during spring and summer about once every two weeks to once a month. Hopefully this should help you to see some growth in your Peace Lily.
It is less likely that light is causing the issue with your Peace Lily not growing but still possible. Peace Lilies will do well in bright to medium indirect light. Direct light can cause the leaves to burn and turn brown, but it can also cause the plant to use up water too quickly and become dehydrated which could affect its growth. Your plant not getting enough light could also be the cause of the lack of growth. Although you don’t want to put your Peace Lily in direct light, you also don’t want to put it in too low lighting, as this can slow down growth and can also prevent your beautiful flowers from blooming.
When you’re trying to establish the problem behind your Peace Lily not growing, it can be useful to check each factor individually. If you check your watering technique and you see no issue with that then move straight onto light or fertilising. However, if you do notice an issue and want to make a change then try and make one change at a time. That way you’ll be able to see if it makes a difference and it’ll be easier to identify what the issue was. Where as if you change everything in one go you won’t know the cause and it’ll make it more difficult for you to identify issues in the future.
Article: Peace Lily Not Growing
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Thank you for the great information! Also, I think mine has never been happy in the miracle grow potting soil I used in its first repotting.