Peperomia Graveolens are a perfect plant for beginners who are just getting into houseplants and lets take a look why.
(If you want to learn more about Peperomia Graveolens then check out our next article: Is Peperomia Graveolens A Succulent?)
There are a dainty little plant that looks good anywhere. They don’t put out a lot of new growth so you don’t need to be constantly trimming them back or pruning them into a shape you like. You can simply stick them on a shelf or desk and they’ll look good for a very long time. As they don’t grow all that much you also won’t need to repot them too often either which is great.
Another reason they are such good houseplants for beginners is that they aren’t sensitive to humidity needs. As you move into the world of houseplants you’ll find a load of houseplants that need humidifiers or constant misting and it can be stressful if you forget about them. With a Peperomia Graveolens this is something you don’t need to worry about. They can tolerate both high and lower levels of humidity so wherever you’re from they’ll probably do quite well regardless of the humidity levels in your home.
Finally they make a great houseplants for beginners because they don’t need watering that often. In fact if you water this plant too much it can get root rot which can cause leaves to fall off or eventually kill the plant. Instead you should allow the plant to dry out between waterings. This is great because it means if you’re the type of person who forgets to water a plant you don’t need to worry about killing it as it’ll last a while until it’s next drink. Of course this doesn’t mean that you should ignore your plant completely and not water it. All plants need water, just if you forget or you’re the type of person who doesn’t want to water your plant all the time then your plant should be fine.
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